Message From Spirit 17/07/2021

Bringing all differences to work as one

We are different and we have different experience, education, culture, perception and knowledge to offer to each other. When we are willing to listen and learn from each other, new knowledge and vision happens which can be very beneficial for us and our environment. Separation is the projection and condition that only touch the surface of each individual but if we look deep down inside, we are all the same. We all have struggle, challenge and lessons that need to be learned although they are different for each of us depending on what we come to learn in this life time. After all, we are working on something toward our paths, and our works bring something to the whole. When we come together and work together, we bring our unique gifts to our communities, and by working and joining together we are weaving a new fabric and new hope to the world and our environment, little by little…..we are changing the world. 

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