Massage for the New Moon

In the Light of the Moon
A full moon can shine light on what you have been resisting. This can be anything from your fears to your soul’s beauty. 
Sometimes you choose to ignore your problem or avoid them in the hope that they will dissipate or disappear. Explore the part of yourself you may afraid to shine the light on. Bring your attention to issues you can no longer afford to avoid. Don’t be afraid to call attention to yourself by bravely exposing your most personal truths. Ask god, angels, guardians, the Universe or other higher power to guide you. Take a few moments and sit with your request. You may choose to pray or meditate. Asking for guidance can improve your understanding and put you into a state of clarity and serenity.

Full Moon Fire Ceremony, Blue Moon 31st October 2020, 8pm UK

On the 31st October will be the second full moon in October which is called Blue Moon (second Full Moon in single calendar month), and is on the same day as the Halloween or Samhain in other tradition and it is the day when the veil between worlds become thinner. This phenomenon only occurs every 18 or 19 years.
We want to take this opportunity to do a ceremony to release old wounded, outmoded habits and whatever that not serve for your highest good anymore. We can ask to release ancestral wound and blockage that have been passing down from generation to generation. We’ll work with the power of moon and the fire and ask for their help.

* We’ll not gather together in this event but will do the ceremony at your own place. We’ll connect together energetically instead. I’ll open the space and call in helper spirits. You can call your helper spirit and ask for protection as well before doing the ceremony.

We’ll do the ceremony together at 8pm. UK time.

* Send me an email for fire ceremony instructions if you have not done before.

* Please be careful and respectful when working with fire as the fire is a living being.

*Do have precaution of health and safety in mind and don’t leave the fire unattained. 

I am looking forward to celebrate this day of the death and opportunity to release and transform with you.