
In this era, human rights is something that needs to be considered and practiced as a way of life. We all want freedom and want to be able to express ourselves freely. We have our own mind to think and believe according to our learned experiences. Luckily, most countries are now having democratic government eventhough not quite there yet in practice. People often say we are all freeman, we respect human rights and we have democracy as a guideline. But sometimes when they face different opinion or different point of view, they just can not except it or they could be saying they except it but in the same time try to find ways or use some tactics in order to manipulate and convince others to believe that their idea and belief is better, more appropriate and somehow make more sense. I am not saying if it is right or wrong although sometimes I feel kind of a contradiction to respecting freewill. I think maybe it is in human nature or some sort of unconcious behaviour that some people need to prove their righteous. I personally do not think it is a bad thing to debate on our ideas because I believe a lot of good things can happen result from healthy debate such as new ideas, new perspectives, new way of doing things and so on. But the thing is, some people just can not except other opinions that are different from their own. They could even shout and scream at other people face condemn that other belief is wrong and sometimes try to convince others to follow and believe that their truth is the truth, the only ultimate truth, eventhough they are holding a sign saying “Freedom to all”. I believe they have good intention and strong belief that their idea is right and it is for the best of all, only they have forgotten that others also have their own thought and opinion as well, and it also valid and true to the person however may sounds stupid to some.

As long as we have freewill, there will always be diversity of opinions, thoughts and beliefs. We can not force others to think the same way we do and we need to except the differences from wherever it comes. Otherwise there will be war everywhere, big or small, our human rights will become just an illusion for modern man in a so call civilised world. It is not about right or wrong, win or loose, but it is about living together in harmony regardless our differences. The world is changing, we are closer and closer, mixed races and cultures are everywhere, internet and vehicles bring us all together eventhough we are worlds apart. So, the aggressiveness and forceful fighting is not going to be the way to connect us and the way to find solutions for our problems. Compassionate and understanding with an openminded should be the way forward if we want to live in a peaceful, democratic, free world full of freedom and inspiration where everyone can practice their freewill and creativity. If in any occasion we should debate over something, remind ourselves to do it with compassion, kindness and be open minded.

Shamanic Healing Drum Session on 29/05/2021

Tuvan Drum is an ancient shamanic healing technique using the power of drum and teacher spirit for the healing work. Originated from Tuva, a small replublic in southen region of Siberia. The work can be offered to a group of people or an individual at a time. It helps aiding mentality, spirituality, emotionality and energetically illness in term of shamanism. Also can help with releasing old wound, trauma and what that no longer serving you and ready to move on. Sometimes the work helps with soul retrieval and extraction work. Usually what kind of healing being transmit is depend on an individual needed at the time.

I am offering this healing in a group setting. There is limited amount of people to join in this session. The venue will be outdoor at The Racehill Orchard, Brighton, UK. There is plenty of space to keep distant between each paticipant.

Address : Racehill Community Orchard, Swanborough Drive, Brighton BN2 5QB (The site is in East Brighton, in Whitehawk)

Map and bus information please follow the link

Date : Saturday 29th May 2021

Time : 2pm (14.00)

Energy exchange : Donation

What to prepare :

  • 1. No alcohol and drugs 24 hours before and after the session.
  • 2. Water to keep you hydrate.
  • 3. The event is outdoor in nature, there are some logs to sit on but you can bring your own cusion/chair if you need.
  • 4. Hat, sun protection ( incase the sun shines so strongly )
  • 5. Snacks to share

Please contact me to confirm your participation.