Free shamanic healing session

I am offering free shamanic healing session for new client. If you have not received shamanic healing before and wonder what is it about, this is a good opportunity to try. I am offering 1:1 Healing Session and Long Distance Healing Session.

For more details and information about shamanic healing and what I do please visit my website :

To make an appointment by sending me a message to email address :

The offering end 30 December 2020

* Although this is a free offering but if you want to contribute a donation, it will be gratefully accepted.

Full Moon Message

True Love, 
What do you think when you see the word true love?
We try so hard to connect and achieve unconditional love for other people, something that so hard and rarely achieve. It’s good to open your heart to love and connection and to set good intention in building a strong foundation of love, and to nurture it to become a strong bond. But one thing that you should never forget is the connection and love you have for yourself. Love and accept yourself for who you truly are even though you are not perfect…but who is perfect anyway?…no one. As you love yourself you will bring the best into your life either relationship, people, life style, your healing, personal development and etc. 
Don’t forget, before trying to achieve unconditional love for other people, learn to achieve it for yourself first. 

Oracle deck : Whispers of Love by Angela Hartfield
Artwork : Josephine Wall