My Journey To The Realm Of Spirit

Empower people to transform and embrace their heart, take back their power to create a life that aligns with oneself

I am a shamanic practitioner based in Brighton, UK. I am originally from Bangkok, Thailand. I have trained and worked with various spiritual healing and energy healing modalities, including shamanism. I am fortunate and grateful for all the teachers and helpers who have come across my path and me across theirs, both from non-ordinary reality and ordinary reality.

Soul Lullaby is a collaboration of shamanic work between me and a compassionate spirit team. We work together to facilitate balance and transformation at the energetic and spiritual levels, a lot of times a shift also manifests at the physical level. We believe to create change in the world or our life we need to start at an individual first and then the shift will expand to a wider scale such as community, nation and environment.

I also offer Soul Journey Card Reading, a method of card reading that empower you to find the guidance you seek within your soul.

I believe body, mind and spirit are connected, when one part has blockage and illness caused by un-alignment of energy, it will affect other parts as well. These illnesses can be from trauma in the past, difficulties and challenges in life, negativities and fault beliefs that were projected upon us by others or our self-judgement when we were young or at any given time during our life. All the experiences that come into our lives both positive and negative guide us to change, transform, motivate, empower and manifest. But what can happen is sometimes we don’t have the resources, strength and experience to understand those teaching at the time, and sometimes the pain and difficulty can be too much so we numb and suppress, disassociate with self and feelings. All of this unreleased, unexpressed and suppressed energy can become a blockage in our emotional body, energy body and physical body which can cause an illness that represents many forms through our spiritual, mental, physical and emotions. From the shamanic perspective, illness can also come from spirit attachment and spirit possession.

My inspiration is to help people to overcome these challenges. To have better connections with oneself and others, to empowered and inspired.

We affect and influence one another, as well as our environment and community. When a person is healthy and happy, the others and community will receive benefits as well. When we have a better connection with ourselves, our connection with others will also improve. Individual existence is part of society and the world’s existence, we all live and rely on each other. We all are one and never be separated.

I would love to work with you, together we can create balance and transformation.

Book a free consultation with me

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Facilitating “Shamanic Pray For Peace Workshop” at Into The Wild Festival 2022

“Your external world is your inner world, to change the world is to change the self. When an individual is healthy, their community and environment will also benefited.”

One for All and All for One

The shaman is working in their community.

What is shamanism

Shamanism is not a new age belief, it is a tradition that has been practised for forty to fifty thousand years, some even said hundreds of thousand years, back to the origin before other practices in the world. You can find shamanism in all regions around the world, shamanic culture is rooted in all religions. The practice varies from culture to culture. The word shaman came from the Manchu-Tungus in Siberia and means “One who knows”. Shamanism is not a religion or system of fate but the oldest spiritual practice in the world. However, shamanism is also used more generally to describe indigenous groups in which roles such as healer, religious leader, counsellor, and councillor are combined. It is often found in conjunction with animism, a belief system in which the world is home to a plethora of spirit beings that may help or hinder human endeavours.

You can learn shamanism by practice and have direct experience. It is not about the belief but the knowledge that you have to find by yourself along your shamanic path. Anyone from any religion can practice shamanism, there is no limit to what God or spirit mean to you. Shaman the keeper of ancient techniques used to contain the well-being of themselves, of others and the community, including the well-being of their environment and other beings. Shaman’s knowledge comes from experience and relationship with the Spirit or the great mystery. Shamanism believes everything alive has a soul and spirit, all things are connected in oneness and we are part of the connection of the whole. Shaman has to learn to master an altered state of consciousness and be able to journey between the ordinary reality and non-ordinary reality, to connect with their spirit guide to bring wisdom, knowledge and healing to aid the community and to help people. The place of a shaman is in the service to the community and for the good of all although they are capable of harming. Their act can not be from their ego or a place of superiority. Shamanic cosmology contains the Upper World, Middle World and Lower World. Shamans journey between these worlds to meet their spirit guides, teachers and helpers. They also work with the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, nature spirits and elements (earth, air, water, fire). The main work of a shaman is to work with themselves and by doing so they will be able to understand and work for other people. The key is to practice and do the inner work, to work on themselves to heal themselves before they can heal others. They have to learn to become the hollow bone for the spirit to work through, that is how they can walk on the path of wisdom, power and magic. When their internal world and the external world become abundant by spiritual practice then the path will be on service to others, the path of oneness to all of life, to give back and to make a difference. Shamans draw the energy from the universe and the great mystery when they are in an altered state of consciousness and work through ritual, ceremony, song and dance to create a unique healing ritual. Shamanism is evolving, it is not a set of steps and then done. It is the connection with the divine and what you are creating.

“The shaman is a technician of the sacred”

Mircea Eliade

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