Policy & Frequently Ask Questions

More information about how I work, important links for urgent help or in crisis and frequently asked questions. If you need more information, please send me a message.

My Code of Ethics

  • I will serve the best interests of my clients.
  • I am not a doctor, financial or legal advisor. Any information or advice you receive is not meant to replace that of a qualified professional.
  • My rates are completely transparent. I will never try to upsell you or add minutes. I will never solicit you to get a healing. 
  • I treat all clients respectfully, regardless of age, race, religion, gender or sexual preference. My messages are non-judgmental.
  • I will keep our meeting confidential.
  • I reserve the right to refuse a session that goes against my code of ethics.
  • If you don’t feel that I’m a fit for you, I will respect that decision and will try to recommend others who might be a better match.
  • My divination work is for guidance and insight and offers a probable outcome. Nothing is set in stone. You are solely responsible for the decisions you make.
  • I strive to empower, bring guidance and offer a sense of hope.

Shamanic Healing and Card Readings are not a replacement for licensed healthcare or legal advice.  If you are in crisis visit these websites

United Kingdom

Mind Charity: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/crisis-services/helplines-listening-services/

NHS helpline: https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/mental-health/find-an-urgent-mental-health-helpline



Cancellation Policy

Should you need to cancel or reschedule, please notify me as soon as possible. No-shows will not be refunded. Please be mindful of your appointment time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, I will consider the appointment cancelled.


Services offered:

  • 1 on 1 individual private session
  • Long-distance healing for someone who is not able to participate in person
  • Group Shamanic Work & Healing Session
  • House/Office Energy Cleansing
  • Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reading
  • Shamanic Drum Circle
  • Double or triple sessions are welcome

Payment: It is possible to pay by Cash, Bank Transfer, Stripe and PayPal, please contact me directly.


  • In-person sessions will be conducted at my place. 
  • Remote sessions are suitable for someone who is not able to participate or lives far away. You will receive the healing energy at your place or using Zoom on some occasions. It is as effective as in-person since energy is not bound by time and space.

How many sessions are needed: We will complete an assessment during the first session. One single session may be enough to bring a quick change and relief. Often, due to the layers of trauma individuals experience, a few sessions will produce deeper transformation and long-lasting healing. I will advise and you can decide how you want to invest in yourself. I do recommend 4-6 weeks between sessions for integration.

What to wear: Please wear comfortable clothing and preferably warm layers.

What to Bring: Usually no need to bring anything with you but occasionally there are things to prepare for a ceremony which I will let you know about. You are welcome to bring a notebook with you as often there will be messages and guidance instructions for you to work on to integrate the healing.

The session: During the session, I will use energetic and intuitive diagnostic tools to gain insight into the root of the physical, emotional, and spiritual state of your condition. This will allow us to decide the course of action for this and future sessions.

How to prepare:

  • Do not have any alcohol or drugs for 48 hours before and after the session.
  • Eat lightly and drink lots of water before and after the session.
  • Cleanse your physical body by taking baths in the sea, or using Epsom salts, herbs or essential oils.

For remote sessions: In the space where you will receive your session, you can set an altar and light a candle. I suggest cleaning and cleansing the room by burning herbs or incense/using essential oil sprays. If you had an argument or a challenging experience, open all the windows and doors and swipe all the dense energies out.

Following the session:

  • Do not schedule any social activities if possible, quiet time is recommended
  • Depending on the individual some people feel very energised, happy or feeling nothing but some people may feel low energy or low mood so be prepared to give time to rest and relax for a few days afterwards.
  • Pamper yourself and allow yourself to give yourself importance. Do what you love to do especially in your childhood, this is highly recommended for the person receiving soul retrieval.
  • Avoid shaking hands on the day of your session to prevent the transfer of negative energy by others.
  • Avoid sexual interaction for three days.  
  • Additional personal assignments might be offered based on what occurs during the session, please take this seriously. 
  • Spend time in nature to improve your clarity and to ground you.

© 2023 Soul Lullaby Shamanic Healing, All rights reserved