Message From Spirit 17/07/2021

Bringing all differences to work as one

We are different and we have different experience, education, culture, perception and knowledge to offer to each other. When we are willing to listen and learn from each other, new knowledge and vision happens which can be very beneficial for us and our environment. Separation is the projection and condition that only touch the surface of each individual but if we look deep down inside, we are all the same. We all have struggle, challenge and lessons that need to be learned although they are different for each of us depending on what we come to learn in this life time. After all, we are working on something toward our paths, and our works bring something to the whole. When we come together and work together, we bring our unique gifts to our communities, and by working and joining together we are weaving a new fabric and new hope to the world and our environment, little by little…..we are changing the world. 

New Moon Message From Spirit 10/07/2021

Surrender to your deepest truth and share it. Bow and except all who you truly are. Drop your guard and allow others to see and listen to the unique song of your soul. When you allow your true self to come out and shine, you are allowing others to do the same too. How beautiful the world would be when we can truly accept ourself and others, and be able to contribute to the world with our unique gifts. Share and listen to each other soul’s songs. 

New Moon Message 14/01/2021

Vision, heaven is where you find it.

We are here in this life to learn and experience things. The beauty of life is not just the beauty and easy as we name and expect. It includes hardship, struggle and challenges. Paradise is not a place but a state of mind. As we go along with life, we stop and smell the roses along the way, and we learn to see the beauty hidden in small things and lessons learned from the darkness of our souls. Do you forget the meaning of it all? At the end we all return back to the source. Nothing is permanently belongs to us but the knowledge we learned in our soul. It is not so much in what you see but the way in which you see it. 

Card : Sacred Vision Oracle Card by Lynn V. Andrews with Robert Taylor

Artwork : Robert Taylor

Message from spirit

Today is the first day of one month lockdown in England. I asked spirit if they have a message for people who comes across my page, and this is it. 

“Reflect on how habits are affecting you. Does what you do add quality of your life? Look at how you use your time. If you want to feel more accomplished and fulfilled, make the necessary adjustments, evaluate your goal and set some new ones. Waking up five minutes earlier or setting a limit for how much time you spend on the computer or other activities can help you complete more of what you desire. Create a calendar to help you track your progress. Your willingness to be thorough will pay off in the long run. Know that you are being blessed and your life is moving along accordingly.” 

I know this is not an easy time for some of us, but together we shall cross the bridge to the brighter side. Stay safe and take care.