Shamanic Healing Drum on 08/08/2021

Tuvan Drum is an ancient shamanic healing technique working together with spirit of the drum and spirit ally (teacher) for a healing work. Originated in Tuva, a small replublic in southen region of Siberia. The work can be offered to a group of people or an individual at a time. It helps aiding mentality, spirituality, emotionality and energetically illness in the term of shamanism, including release an old wound, trauma and what that no longer serving you so you can move on and release blockage. Sometimes the work can help with soul retrieval and extraction work. Usually what kind of healing modality being transmit is depend on an individual needed at the time. 

As it is a new moon time so we shall do a ceremony to manifest what we want to welcome into our life as well. 

I am offering this healing in a group setting at this time. 
**There is limited amount of people to join in this ceremony. 

The venue will be outdoor at The Racehill Orchard, Brighton, UK. 

Address : Racehill Community Orchard, Swanborough Drive, Brighton BN2 5QB (The site is in East Brighton, in Whitehawk) 

Map and bus information please follow the link…/find-racehill…/

Date : Sunday 8th August 2021

Time : 14.00 – 16.30 approximately (could be a bit earlier or later)

Energy exchange : Give what you can 

What to prepare : 
1. No alcohol and drugs before, during and after the session.
2. Water to keep you hydrate.
3. The event is outdoor in nature, there are some logs to sit on but you can bring your own cusion/chair if you need.
4. Hat, sun protection ( in case the sun shines so strongly )
5. Snacks to share at the end of the ceremony.
6.**Something to offer to spirit.

**Please contact me to confirm your participation.

Event is Canceled

So sorry guys, due to the weather condition I have to cancel the event for today. I’ll postpone it to other day, will let you know again.Thank you for your support and understanding.

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