Testimonials From Past Clients

This was my first experience of having shamanic healing. I found Jeng to be very easy to talk about my issues that I had been battling with for around five years. I felt at complete ease throughout, Jeng explaining what she was doing as she progressed through the healing session. I now have the sense of feeling free and detached from someone who was the source of deep distress and unhappiness. One week on, I continue with my healing journey but I’m certain that Jeng has helped me enormously. My family saw a difference in me too – they were not aware I had the shamanic healing. Thank you Jeng.


Honestly you have done more for me than any therapy I have had before. I have felt different ever since. No more heaviness in my chest and feeling lighter and more at peace. I was sceptical but honestly now an absolute believer. I will definitely come back to see you. Thank you soooo much. “


I have worked with Jeng at Soul Lullaby on two occasions and both times were deep and profound, helping me with serious life questions and events. Her chord-cutting work yielded positive results within the day! I particularly like her down-to-earth attitude, honesty and friendly vibe. It is easy to trust her, to open up and speak your mind, thereby enabling her to go deeper with you. Thank you, Jeng! Continue doing your amazing work!


I had a wonderful shamanic unblocking session with Jeng. I can’t recommend her enough and I am already seeing results after only 1 week.”

-Adrienne Chinn- 

“I went to see Jeng when I was on a dark path in my life. I was hurt, angry, without faith in anything and yet trying to appear like the happy me I always am and carry on. It was difficult and the lack of compassion for myself made everything even harder. I was overcritical (and still am from time to time) and extremely sceptical. I did not think shamanic healing is something real. I was not open to receiving it at all. And yet, after the session, I felt overwhelmed by the sense of peace and realisation that things do happen in life for a reason and they are all worth living, even the most horrible ones. It’s a path that we must follow and the way we follow it can make a difference. Jeng revealed to me that I can be compassionate, I can be accepting and I can be in peace. I am still reminding myself of those things every day, many times a day and I am still learning to be them all. I am most grateful, Jeng! Namaste xxx


“I went to Jeng for a shamanic healing session earlier this year after feeling deeply unhappy and having no confidence in myself. I felt drained of energy and every day felt like a battle. My mental health was so bad that I felt I didn’t want to carry on. I had seen the mental health team who put me on anti-anxiety medication which made me feel suicidal so I stopped taking them and wanted some kind of spiritual healing as I had many years ago when I felt I couldn’t carry on anymore and it worked, that’s why I’m living in Brighton now, and things got so much better. I suffered the loss of my second brother who died from drug addiction and was in an emotionally abusive relationship and felt extremely paranoid with no confidence at all by the end. I ended the relationship and had a healing session with Jeng which was powerful and emotional, I felt like all of the pain was coming out of me and I cried silently as I felt all of the raw emotions surfacing and then letting them go. Since the healing, my confidence started coming back and my creativity came back, I couldn’t stop creating, and it felt so good to feel like me again. I would highly recommend a session with Jeng as it has changed my life. My friends and family have told me how happy I look now. I’ll be returning to Jeng for a top-up soon.”


This was my first card reading and it was quite amazing. I was not sure how this would work through a video call but it worked out extremely well. Jeng is fantastic! The reading was very spot on and the cards sent me an important message. It is exactly what I need to move forward. The things she told me were spot on with the moment I was living at the time. She was very helpful because I was not sure what it was I needed to do but she guided me in the right direction. The information I received was very meaningful. I will most definitely do this again.


I would recommend for your kind hospitality. I really like the way you made me feel safe and engaged with me with your stories, because I have slow processing I am not always able to communicate so quickly and fluently. You are very interesting and respectful of everyone’s beliefs. I will be so excited to work with you again. Thank you so much Jeng.”


“I was coming up to my 60th Birthday recently and pondering on many things, what changes could I make to slow down a bit and get back to doing things I was missing. I had a card reading with Jeng and the cards she drew were remarkable. I had dreamed of Blue whales twice the previous week and she drew The Whale ( super significant to me at the time) and the combination of the other cards all fitted in with exactly what was happening around me. Jeng is very tuned into the powers of the universe and I always come away from a session feeling good and full of food for thought, eager to reflect and trust the guidance that she so gracefully gives.’’

-C. Murphy-

”I have now had two oracle card readings from Jeng. Both times I felt there was an underlying healing energy present, apart from hearing the interesting messages from the cards, which felt very soothing. She has a calm, deep but at the same time lovely joyful presence. The communication style felt very down to earth which made the session very relaxing. I received some meaningful and important messages which I can now take into action in my life. I would happily recommend her readings to anyone. Thank you so much for the card readings.’’


Thank you Jeng for the amazing session, you were instantly able to tune in and pick up on things that had been with me for years, things that I had not realised were contributing to holding me back. I was able, on reflection during the following days to work through them and was able to get some peace and clarity. I look forward to some follow-up sessions.”


“Jeng truly embodies a shamanic spirit and soul. I went on a deep journey in my session with her and afterwards, I felt restored and rejuvenated, lighter though more connected to myself and the world.”


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