International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.
This year’s theme is Actions for Peace, It is a call to action that recognizes our individual and collective responsibility to foster peace.
Peace is always something that I have yearned for since I was young as I grew up in a very emotionally chaotic household where I couldn’t run away from it. So in my younger years what I did was to find any excuse to go out and be with my friends and drink myself to death so I could numb my pain, anger and frustration. It helped at the time but never in the long run. Until I found a way to cultivate peace within myself that is when I started to feel better and my relationship with others got better too. I started to do meditation regularly, learned and practised Buddhism, read about other religions and philosophies, and learned and practised other kinds of spiritual practice as well. Meditation and Buddhism have helped me a lot as they taught me how to work and understand my own mind and behaviours. Most of the time we can not change the situation outside ourselves or change other people but we always can work on ourselves and our minds. It has been a long way for me and it is not easy, never easy. It took me many many years for my heart to open up to accept and have compassion for myself and others, especially the ones I do not agree with. I think Peace Day should be for every day not just one day a year. When we practice having peace within ourselves regularly, our perspectives and reactions can change when we deal with people, circumstances, beliefs and all differences. We become more tolerant and accepting, also more compassionate, and that can bring love into all kinds of relationships. For me, that is how we can bring Peace to our world.

Share in the comment how you cultivate peace within yourself and towards others.

Peace & Love ☮️💚🌎🌍🌏

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