Message from spirit

Today is the first day of one month lockdown in England. I asked spirit if they have a message for people who comes across my page, and this is it. 

“Reflect on how habits are affecting you. Does what you do add quality of your life? Look at how you use your time. If you want to feel more accomplished and fulfilled, make the necessary adjustments, evaluate your goal and set some new ones. Waking up five minutes earlier or setting a limit for how much time you spend on the computer or other activities can help you complete more of what you desire. Create a calendar to help you track your progress. Your willingness to be thorough will pay off in the long run. Know that you are being blessed and your life is moving along accordingly.” 

I know this is not an easy time for some of us, but together we shall cross the bridge to the brighter side. Stay safe and take care.

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