Blog, Drum Circle, Product and Offer

This is the space where I post about my thought, inspiration and my offer, and you can find out about my next drum circle, workshop and event created by Soul Lullaby. I as well update about them on my social media platform. The most recent posts are at the right hand panel. I hope you found what you need and my service benefits to all. OM…May Peace Be For All

To book a session click here

Journey On An Invisible Horse

Journey on the path with my invisible horse, carry on through the ways, passing through the dark. My horse is great, never vain, never thirst and never miss. My hand holding a torch…yes, it is an invisible torch.

On the back of my invisible horse, I look up the sky and I see stars. They form into shape and point to a way. The stars say you go this way, there will be light, there will be love. I stop and say I’m looking for peace. The stars say yes you will find peace too.